Grandmas program

Grandmothers (gogos) play a crucial role in the care and support of orphans and other vulnerable children in communities affected by HIV/AIDS. These courageous women take responsibility for caring for their orphaned grandchildren, even when many of these older women lack the means to feed, clothe and educate the children in their care.

Recognising their importance in the community and to the next generation, FOCHTA has initiated “gogos” groups, where grannies gather to share skills, support each other through their struggles and undertake income generating projects to help support their families.

More than 90 grandmothers participate in FOCHTA’s gogos groups. In addition to serving as a valuable source of social support, the grannies work together to craft pots, sew clothes, weave, knit and keep bees. The women sell the products of their labour, sharing the income earned to help support their families. A major source of security is the Revolving Goat Scheme.


Want to help our grannies?

Donate a goat or a bee hive! We hope to add 60 new nanny goats to our herd this year and purchase 50 new bee hives. Please help us meet our goal. A goat costs A$65 (US$50) (including vaccinations) and bee hives are A$50 (US$40). Donate here.