Student profile: Austin Kambalame

My name is Austin Kambalame. I was born in 1992, the last born child of a family of eight. My mother passed away in 1998, and soon after that our father returned to his home village, abandoning all of us. 

I was selected to St. Patrick’s school for secondary schooling in 2005, however my older siblings only managed to pay my school fees after selling part of their staple food crop, maize, and going without themselves.I was forced to miss school at times due to non-payment of fees, and did badly that first year.

Then in Form Two I discovered FOCHTA, and my problems were over. I did well from then on and I went on to study a Bachelor of Science - Engineering, at university.

At university my FOCHTA sponsors were Lynne Oldfield and her partner John Flint and as well they took on the role of parents, giving encouragement and valuable advice. I am very grateful to them and to Claude and the co-founders of FOCHTA..

I am currently working as a Student Liaison Officer at FOCHTA on a voluntary basis. 

With the turns my life has taken, I am optimistic for my future and I am prepared to help others as FOCHTA and my sponsors have helped me.


Posted on: Tuesday, 20 October 2015 at: 4:10 am
Filed under: Malawi news