A Meeting for School Leavers

On 6th July, FOCHTA conducted a meeting with ten 2016 secondary school leavers. Fochta has supported these students  from Form 1 through paying for their secondary school fees, providing school uniforms, learning materials, school shoes and portions of maize for food for them to take home .

Zione the Executive Director opened the meeting with an introduction and thanked the students for making it to the final year of secondary education. Special thanks and appreciation were given to the girls who have managed beyond all odds to finish their secondary education in the midst of hardships and their friends having dropped out.

In attendance was Grassroots Chair Mrs. Mtiya, who talked of the importance of being responsible youths in the community now that they have finished secondary education. Alumni representative Kondwani Biton explained the need to join the alumni group and its advantages. Austin as VTC principal explained to the beneficiaries about the trades that are offered at The FOCHTA VTC and how beneficial it is to acquire trade skills. The students showed interest, and promised to come after exams results are out. Meanwhile they said they will be coming to the centre to learn how to use computers.The students were served with drinks and snacks.


Posted on: Monday, 18 July 2016 at: 7:58 am
Filed under: Malawi news