A letter from Enock Naphazi

Below is a letter written by Enock Naphazi who was first supported by FOCHTA for his secondary education, and later on obtained a Diploma in Journalism. 

 Dear Claude,

Hope you are doing fine, I owe you an apology for taking too long without writing you. I have no excuse for not doing that. I am humbly asking for your forgiveness.

I am still in Neno district where am working as a correspondent for Nation Publication Limited which is one of the leading newspapers in the Malawi. Mostly I work from home and sometimes at the District Information Office.

As correspondents we are paid based on number of stories we have contributed for that month, so if you write more stories you get more payment as well. I have all the resources for my job,  laptop, recorder and a smartphone. 

I just want to let you know that there is no way I can forget that hand of yours, a hand of help. We may not be able physically there to appreciate this, but you have given a lot of smiling faces to thousands of people most of them you don’t know except through FOCHTA.

Yes, we are a little bit struggling to find a good job but we cannot compare with where we are coming from before our education. Since I graduated, I have attended several workshops and interacted with important people with big positions in this country. There Is a lot I can write but I just want to say Thank You Claude.

Yours sincerely,       






Posted on: Tuesday, 27 August 2019 at: 10:09 pm
Filed under: Malawi news